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Sunday, January 27, 2013

League of Legends - Lee+Jarvan Vs Sivir+Sona Laning! Part 1

League of Legends - Lee+Jarvan Vs Sivir+Sona Laning! Part 1

Samsung Galaxy

League of Legends - Lee+Jarvan Vs Sivir+Sona Laning! Part 1

Video Clips. Duration : 9.63 Mins.

League of Legends - Lee+Jarvan Vs Sivir+Sona Laning! Part 1
Well, I'm on my main on General Zhou Yu and truth to be told I don't play Jarvan much. My friend Zhao Yun is a pretty good Lee Sin. And so.... some friends of ours told us about this bottom comp. so we decided to try it out. It worked out really well and proved to be pretty fun. I mean a lady killer, master tactician and a white tiger general? Bound to be ok right? Just kind of sad our fearless leader Lu Bu wasn't playing with us =( Music: I'll make a man out of you -Disney (Danny Osmond) Zhao Yun's theme - Dynasty Warriors (game) Men of Intelligence - Dynasty Warriors (game) Lu Bu's theme - Dynasty Warriors (game) Support AD isnt always the only option bot!
League of Legends - Lee+Jarvan Vs Sivir+Sona Laning! Part 1

League of Legends - Lee+Jarvan Vs Sivir+Sona Laning! Part 1

League of Legends - Lee+Jarvan Vs Sivir+Sona Laning! Part 1

League of Legends - Lee+Jarvan Vs Sivir+Sona Laning! Part 1

Saturday, January 5, 2013

LoL - 2 Skarner Pentakills in 1 game!

LoL - 2 Skarner Pentakills in 1 game!

LoL - 2 Skarner Pentakills in 1 game!

Tube. Duration : 2.28 Mins.

LoL - 2 Skarner Pentakills in 1 game!
Please subscribe! We are going to upload a lot more LoL videos so stay tuned. Watch in HD! I were playing jungle skarner for my 2. time and then this happened, im glad i recorded it with LoL recorder :)
LoL - 2 Skarner Pentakills in 1 game!

LoL - 2 Skarner Pentakills in 1 game!

LoL - 2 Skarner Pentakills in 1 game!

LoL - 2 Skarner Pentakills in 1 game!